Tone indicators

Tone indicators are usually used to further indicate what the user is trying to say, for example using /j to imply that that body of text should be taken as a joke. The tone of someone’s voice can be joking or serious for example, and they can look the same when using text. Tone is an important part of the sentence, and can do a lot to change the meaning and implications of a sentence.

Below is a list of tone indicators that might be helpful to you. In case I missed anything, please contact me.

tone indicatormeaning
/gen or /ggenuine
/pos or /pcpositive connotation
/neuneutral connotation
/neg or /ncnegative connotation
/l or /lylyrics
/nmnot mad
/lua little upset
/nbhfor when you’re vagueposting or venting, but it’s directed at nobody here
/nsbnot subtweeting
/sx or /xsexual intent
/nsx or /nxnon-sexual intent
/rh or /rtrhetorical question
/ijinside joke